A few nice iphone images I found:
iPhone y familia

Image by pacunar
Estos últimos días he tenido la oportunidad de tener en mis manos (y poder "jugar" con) un iPhone y un iPod Touch de Apple.
Sin temor a equivocarme puedo afirmar que estoy enamorado!!
, de ambos, aunque en este momento me inclinaría por el iPod Touch (especialmente por estar hackeable
Aqui unas fotitas que hice con los jueguetitos que me prestaron por unos dias. Los menús y pantallazos son en el iPhone.
iPhone 3Gs

Image by Raymond Larose
With the introduction of the iPhone 4 today, my sexy 3Gs is suddenly not so sexy.
Nikon D700 | 70mm | f/2.8 | 1/100 | +1 EV | View on Black
Strobist: 800 watt studio lights camera right (high) and camera front (low) in PBL tent – iPhone is sitting on a small 3/4" candle to make the shadow pop more.
Head over to my profile for links and more information.
What’s on your iPhone home screen?

Image by Tony Buser
New internet meme… post your home screen. You can probably tell a lot about a person based on how they arrange their iphone home screen.
Hold down home button + power button momentarily to take screenshot.