Apple iChannel

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What is iCloud?

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A quick how to that’ll get you up and running with iCloud in a few minutes.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Designing PowerBook (1)

Apple introduces the popular PowerBook 100, 140, 170. A look into the complex engineering that went into these models… mockups, pencil drawings, comments on SONY building the PowerBook 100. Items like the introduction of the palm-rest, keyboards we use today are discussed. Employee Intro where new features are shown.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Nice Apple Computers photos

A few nice Apple Computers images I found:

Apple Computer Set Up
Apple Computers

Image by Sam Howzit
Just look at that sweet 1980s Apple Computer set up. Image from "Microcomputers at Work." This picture is being posted as reference. I believe this book is out of print (it’s for sale on for $ .14)

Bike Shop Apple Computer
Apple Computers

Image by Sam Howzit
An Apple Computer in a Bike Shop from "Microcomputers at Work." This picture is being posted as reference. I believe this book is out of print (it’s for sale on for $ .14).

iTunes Dec 13

A few nice itunes images I found:

iTunes Dec 13

Image by Hanna Iris Tolonen
Songs and 1 album I bought from iTunes on Dec 13. Want to recommend songs based on these?

I stumped the iTunes Genius Sidebar

Image by Paul Kelley
Apparently the new iTunes Genius Sidebar doesn’t have any suggestions for Breaking Benjamin besides the other BB songs I don’t have. Does that mean I’m not supposed to like anything else?

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