Tag Archives: iPhone
Nice Iphone photos
A few nice iphone images I found:
iPhone y familia
Image by pacunar
Estos últimos días he tenido la oportunidad de tener en mis manos (y poder "jugar" con) un iPhone y un iPod Touch de Apple.
Sin temor a equivocarme puedo afirmar que estoy enamorado!! , de ambos, aunque en este momento me inclinaría por el iPod Touch (especialmente por estar hackeable
Aqui unas fotitas que hice con los jueguetitos que me prestaron por unos dias. Los menús y pantallazos son en el iPhone.
iPhone 3Gs
Image by Raymond Larose
With the introduction of the iPhone 4 today, my sexy 3Gs is suddenly not so sexy.
Nikon D700 | 70mm | f/2.8 | 1/100 | +1 EV | View on Black
Strobist: 800 watt studio lights camera right (high) and camera front (low) in PBL tent – iPhone is sitting on a small 3/4" candle to make the shadow pop more.
Head over to my profile for links and more information.
What’s on your iPhone home screen?
Image by Tony Buser
New internet meme… post your home screen. You can probably tell a lot about a person based on how they arrange their iphone home screen.
Hold down home button + power button momentarily to take screenshot.
iPhone Light Painting
A few nice iphone images I found:
iPhone Light Painting
Image by Welshdan
Myself and Edition 25 playing with the Lumix L10. Creating a light pattern by moving an iphone in darkness on a 10 sec exposure. If you look closely you can just make out an iphone at the end of the exposure.
Original iPhone + iPhone 3G + iPhone 4
Image by Yutaka Tsutano
Original iPhone 8GB, iPhone 3G 16GB White and iPhone 4 32GB Black.
A few nice iphone images I found:
Image by cjmartin
The iPhone killed the SmartPhone
Stock chart for the 9th of January 2007, the day the iPhone was released. Compared are, Apple, Research in Motion, and Palm.
MacWorld keynote is was from 12pm – 2pm.
tuaw breakdown:
12:15 The Intel transition.
12:20 Paramount movies and the new iTunes ads.
12:25 AppleTV announcement and demo. Ships February 2007.
12:40 The iPhone. Ships June 2007.
12:40 It’s an iPhone. It has no keyboard, runs on "OS X", syncs to your home computer OS X data, and has the following hardware features.
12:55 Interaction demo: multi-finger gestures, iPod functionality and cover flow.
1:00 Call-making demo: Conference calls and visual voice mail.
1:15 Content demo: iPhotos and rich text e-mail; surfing with Safari and Widgets.
1:30 Content providers: Google and Yahoo executives.
1:40 Accessories and Price announcement.
1:50 Cingular partnership discussed.
1:55 Wrapping up, thanking employees, mini-Concert.
2:10 The end.
iPhone party
Image by nobihaya
count how many of these are eligible for 0 certificate.
Beware of iPhone look alikes
iPhone 4′s Retina Display v.s. iPhone 3G
Image by Yutaka Tsutano
The Retina Display on iPhone 4 (right) compared with the display on iPhone 3G (left).
iPhone iPhone iPhone
A few nice iphone images I found:
iPhone iPhone iPhone
Image by kowitz
(iPhone iPhone blending-iPhone)
iPhone 2g, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4
Image by reticulating
The first generation iPhone (2g), the third generation iPhone (3GS), and the fourth generation iPhone (4). The straight edges of the face of the iPhone 4 give the illusion of a larger black bezel around the screen, notably above and below the screen.
The curvature in the first three generations gave the illusion that the bezel disappeared earlier. The second and third generations (3G and 3GS) had much more gradual curves in the back, making the phone look thinner when viewed from the front and sides.
iPhone & Twitter
Image by Paranoideo
Molestando al anfetas desde el nuevo iphone
3 X iPhone 4 4S Compatible Front & Back Full Body Screen Protector Bonus Cloth
Most popular iphone eBay auctions:
Latest Iphone auctions
Some recent iphone auctions on eBay:
Siri fully hacked onto iPhone 4, Server working (9to5mac)
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