Apple iChannel

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iTunes Dec 13

A few nice itunes images I found:

iTunes Dec 13

Image by Hanna Iris Tolonen
Songs and 1 album I bought from iTunes on Dec 13. Want to recommend songs based on these?

I stumped the iTunes Genius Sidebar

Image by Paul Kelley
Apparently the new iTunes Genius Sidebar doesn’t have any suggestions for Breaking Benjamin besides the other BB songs I don’t have. Does that mean I’m not supposed to like anything else?

Nice Iphone photos

A few nice iphone images I found:

iPhone y familia

Image by pacunar
Estos últimos días he tenido la oportunidad de tener en mis manos (y poder "jugar" con) un iPhone y un iPod Touch de Apple.
Sin temor a equivocarme puedo afirmar que estoy enamorado!! :P , de ambos, aunque en este momento me inclinaría por el iPod Touch (especialmente por estar hackeable :P ).
Aqui unas fotitas que hice con los jueguetitos que me prestaron por unos dias. Los menús y pantallazos son en el iPhone.

iPhone 3Gs

Image by Raymond Larose
With the introduction of the iPhone 4 today, my sexy 3Gs is suddenly not so sexy.

Nikon D700 | 70mm | f/2.8 | 1/100 | +1 EV | View on Black
Strobist: 800 watt studio lights camera right (high) and camera front (low) in PBL tent – iPhone is sitting on a small 3/4" candle to make the shadow pop more.

Head over to my profile for links and more information.

What’s on your iPhone home screen?

Image by Tony Buser
New internet meme… post your home screen. You can probably tell a lot about a person based on how they arrange their iphone home screen.

Hold down home button + power button momentarily to take screenshot.

Cool Itunes images

A few nice itunes images I found:


Image by ʇhamin – free lancer
My iTunes right now

iTunes Controls in Windows 7 Taskbar

Image by barron
I thought this was pretty neat. There are little control buttons in the preview popup for iTunes. Very handy.

See larger version

iTunes CPU Usage, Again…

Image by carlosgomez
I can understand using the iTunes visualizations might tax the GPU a bit, but how does that lead to 125% CPU utilization and as a result, a CPU temperature of 82°C? An iMac G3 could do this, why does it consume all of a 2.16Ghz processor six years later?

Apple PowerBook G4 15′

Many of you have never seen my faithful PowerBook G4. It’s a 15′ 1.5GhZ model. It’s a wonderful computer and I don’t know where I would be without it. :) In this video, I take a look at the computer in general, and give my thoughts and views on certain aspects of it. Full system specs: 15′ Matt Widescreen Display 1.5GhZ PowerPC G4 2GB DDR RAM 120GB Hard Disk ATI Mobility Radeon 9700 64MB VRAM Slot-Loading Combo Drive R-DVD / RW-CD Bluetooth Airpot Illuminated keyboard Ambient Light Sensor
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Official Apple Powerbook G4 Promo from 2001 – Lots of people talking about how great it is. This is an Apple clip so hopefully no-one minds too much that I put it up…

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