Apple iOS 5: Complete iOS 5 Overview Check out the new features coming to you iOS 5.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

CNET TV Video Link: We’ll dig into the brand new features that iOS 5 has to offer and show you how it breathes new life into older iPhones.
Category: Apple iChannel
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keloplant says:
New contest: goo.glk55ge – win iPhone 5.
choplabalagun says:
LOL!!! all this new features are a copy or Android HAHAHAHA iPhone is so LAME!!!
menkarnerk says:
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wanted19911991 says:
For IOS 5 jailbreak go onto my channel and watch my video
ninjanoogut says:
@macten22 could you reupload it to a non survey site? The surveys won’t work :/
SimpleMindForSale says:
16 people read the terms and conditions
DCELMOProductions says:
You sound like Jesse Eisenberg…which isnt bad. He seems like a really cool guy.
opacinfull says:
@DecentArby lol it is eh
MrShades1996 says:
@MrShades1996 its k. i updated already
FreeHacksMasters says:
I have just untethered jailbroken my iPhone 4 iOS 5 using new iSteve by iTeam. It’s really easy! Nice alternative for only tethered redsn0w. Download 5.0 & 4.3.5 untethered jailbreak from isteve-jailbreak,com
DSnWiiRocks says:
@MrShades1996 i also have an ipod touch 4! maybe i give u sum tipz
SebaZerega says:
Best update ever!!
PionerofTrance says:
I have just jailbroken untethered my new iPhone 4S running on iOS 5 using iSteve from official website. It’s really easy. Nice alternative for only tethered redsn0w. Download iSteve from official website:
XElite123 says:
iOS 5 is sick
UDIDActivations says:
Get a provisioning profile to sign any cracked app for your non jailbroken iOS 5 Device! More details: udidactivations.blogspot(dot)com/
iwares22 says:
It has arrived! untethered ios 5!
macten22 says:
It has arrived! untethered ios 5!
EverythingAppIePro says:
It has arrived! untethered ios 5!
EverythingAppIePro says:
It has arrived! untethered ios 5!
5xOpticalZoom says:
good job apple. android has only had these features for a couple of years.
GuideToiOS5 says:
check my channel for ios 5 How Tos
amdintelxsniperx says:
iwares22 says:
It has arrived! untethered ios 5!
aust100 says:
awesome new features that they have now. Might get this phone instead of a droid or android device APPLE FTW!
miloesalazar says:
Ahhh shit show some other features we’ve seen this for about 4 months of the same main features. There are 200 more!
punkboy459 says:
@masterofrobloxoyobo You can sync it in iTunes and you won’t lose your apps on other hands you can turn on Sync auto feature on iTunes it can do it automantically, everything will look the same once you after restored it with new iOS. I promise you.
- iPhone owner since 2007.
masterofrobloxoyobo says:
omg f i update to ios 5 will all my apps be deleted or can i back them up
StephenM1911 says:
turnermic17 says:
@EllieSmellyy I don’t know if it supports but if it does. If the memory your ipod came with is 32+ it should, if it came with lower don’t even bother its actually second gen.
turnermic17 says:
Anyone else get have a problem where your ipod won’t show the cover art no matter how many times you sync or restore?
tomo0086 says:
I already tested it with my two iPod Touch 3rd generations. There seemed to be a little difference but iOS5 seems to be WAY more glitchy and freezes for like 5 minutes sometimes. Is this only on my iPod Touch or is it on iPhones as well?