10/5/2011: CNN’s tribute to Steve Jobs, who died today at age 56 (1955 – 2011)
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Category: Apple iChannel
10/5/2011: CNN’s tribute to Steve Jobs, who died today at age 56 (1955 – 2011)
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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VortexTech says:
@harishvarma21 I knew Dennis since early UNIX days at Bell Labs. His death is a tremendous loss. He was a very quiet and introspective person. I don’t think he would have appreciated the kind of attention that surrounded Steve Jobs. Dennis was a software engineering genius. He indeed did create C, and co-created UNIX with Ken Thompson. The impact of that work is incalculably enormous. Steve Jobs was a genius in a different kind of way. Both of their deaths are enormously sad.
VortexTech says:
@TheYoungerPerspectiv I knew Dennis since early UNIX days at Bell Labs. His death is a tremendous loss. He was a very quiet and introspective person. I don’t think he would have appreciated the kind of attention that surrounded Steve Jobs. Dennis was a software engineering genius. He indeed did create C, and co-created UNIX with Ken Thompson. The impact of that work is incalculably enormous. Steve Jobs was a genius in a different kind of way. Both of their deaths are enormously sad.
VortexTech says:
@tomcat2285 I knew Dennis since early UNIX days at Bell Labs. His death is a tremendous loss. He was a very quiet and introspective person. I don’t think he would have appreciated the kind of attention that surrounded Steve Jobs. Dennis was a software engineering genius. He indeed did create C, and co-created UNIX with Ken Thompson. The impact of that work is incalculably enormous. Steve Jobs was a genius in a different kind of way. Both of their deaths are enormously sad.
99chopstix says:
i was crying
Heat3YT2 says:
@papaburger He may not have known how to implement what he wanted but make no mistake it was his vision that Apple was implementing. He drove many of the features in Apple products and pushed the engineers to come with solutions to his requests that they didn’t believe they could make. It’s ridiculous how heavily involved he was in all aspects of development unlike most CEO’s who really are just businessmen. Being a visionary doesn’t require he be a good engineer (and vice versa)
kreeddem says:
It is sad that a great innovator like Steve Jobs got a terrible disease and is now diciest.
R.I.P. Steve Jobs
diretdisco says:
u are the best.i love u
TheAmine90210 says:
an arab american who changes the world of high tech and the best ceo in the world
we love you steve
Ventedlemur44 says:
Steve Jobs
LegendaryCrumpet says:
Great man
thomastyson22 says:
bedahtulang says:
Unbelievable. how steve’d even given such a huge influence in my life, an ordinary people from indonesia. not from his genius invention of ipod, iphone or ipad, but from his commencement speech in Stanford 2008. I was failed on an exam at that time, and i found his commencement video on youtube, it was literally like someone pulled me up when im drowning. im not exaggerating. because of his speech, (i even listen to it till now) i become enlighted in so many ways. Thanks Steve.
worknman2k says:
@papaburger Steve was the one who thought up most of this shit and told his engineers to design what he’d thought up in his head, which they did. But a lot of the ideas were his. Take the iPad for example… he saw the MS tablets with the stylus and thought they were shit, so told his engineers to build him one without a stylus and to put the keyboard on screen using multi-touch. It took ‘em about 6 months, but they did it, and the iPhone was the first product launch w/ that design.
diniari939 says:
Two Steves founded Apple