Taken from the 2001 MacWorld Keynote annoucement of the iconic PowerBook G4 Titanium laptop. Enjoy!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Category: Steve Jobs
Taken from the 2001 MacWorld Keynote annoucement of the iconic PowerBook G4 Titanium laptop. Enjoy!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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AlexFoeShizzle says:
@tubey1997alt LOL I know right, i didnt get it either
jacobdallen1 says:
@420FreeLife PowerPC Macs were freaking amazing. I had an iBook G3 and an iBook G4 before I bought my MacBook, and I fucking hate my MacBook. I never owned a G5, though. I wouldn’t mind getting a PowerMac G5 anytime soon
BillyL6 says:
lol “mega wide screen”
CocoRoloKittehs says:
Titanium.. Stronger than steel, flimsy as hell!
WelcomeFromTheSpace says:
420FreeLife says:
My parents bought me the higher end model when I graduated junior high in 2003. I have a MacBook Pro now, but still use this for movies and it still works great after the lifespan of seven PCs.
tomitofazzio says:
i wish my macbook air was made of titanium, i would weight less than 2 and a half pounds and would be almost unbreakable
TheHorrorTastic says:
@TheBioman12 Well No fucking shit.
ultimatetoturial56 says:
@ball3r90 lol he was no cancer
WeEatBrainz says:
The 5 hour battery life is still pretty impressive 10 years later.
macbookprofan90 says:
@TheBioman12 you do realise that way back in the day in 2001?
mavalos88 says:
Expensive :S
anapplefanboy says:
ball3r90 says:
Damn he was fat!
brodofaggins says:
@2112gil Because titanium is fucking expensive.
penguindesign says:
@124romero Because on PowerBook G3, it was upside down…
macosftw says:
murdoch201 says:
3:23 : He means his chinese slaves have been working on this for a while in the Apple-kampfen!
SilentAero7 says:
LOL! Power Mac G4
OOIEatte says:
Funny how it still looks better than most laptops 10 years later.
thebrentboys says:
Imagine there reaction to the macbook air
oOJakkeOo says:
WOOOW when does it come out?!
124romero says:
Lmao they got happy when you see the apple logo the right way when you open it lol
detubevanMaarten says:
@2112gil ecological issues
2112gil says:
If, titanium was lighter than aluminum?? Then why do they made current Macs with aluminum???