iPad 2 is here and we got our hands on one! Jacob reviews iMovie, and Garage Band for the new device, while Andrea reviews ArtRage and eBook Magic for the original iPAd. Also, news comes through that TimeWarner now has an iPad App and Google TV offers a new iPad-based remote. For more on the show, and all of our previous episodes, visit www.thisweekin.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Category: Apple iChannel
acidrain55 says:
GTA 5 Trailer
daanlvaz says:
@Karrrkarr, yep i know, Just Got My iPad 2 Free my self! I picked up my iPad 2 last night. I think they are still giving them away for free, google for: freeipad2tablet.info
WWEsvr111 says:
my ipod 1g is better than this piece of crap :/
XxStonedKillerxX says:
Im not buying one of these until the 4th Gen, thats seems to me is when most apple products are the best.
nopilanapol says:
Your free iPad 2 is waiting for you. Check out: goo.gl8ONjl
saheenpp says:
lovely review video video!!
Gotta Love the Ipad 2. Personally, I think this tablet is the best on the market and this review is even better. Nice Review!
@andersss as far as I got my iPad 2 for free, I can’t complain:) Just Google for: freeipad2tablet.info
I’m typing using my iPad 2 right now
jessicadupuis0420 says:
DONT BUY iPad 2! you can still receive one for free, just google for: freeipad2tablet.info
hari123432 says:
@strawberrychewitgum, you can actually get an iPad 2 for Free, simply try to google for: freeipad2tablet.info
My 18 years brother just received one this morning, couldn’t beleive my eyes!!!!
1989dummy says:
@Laryson8ght, and for those below who are looking for an iPad 2 for Free, simply go to: freeipad2tablet.info
snprod says:
I GOT AN FREE IPAD. Find out here + proof:
laramasen says:
Gotta Love the Ipad 2. Personally, I think this tablet is the best on the market and this review is even better. Nice Review!
it’s expensive but as far as I got my iPad 2 for free, I can’t complain:) Just google for: freeipad2tablet.info
adibuddyboy says:
@Karrrkarr, yep i know, Just Got My iPad 2 Free my self! I picked up my iPad 2 last night. I think they are still giving them away for free, google for: freeipad2tablet.info
adibuddyboy says:
craj0n says:
Way to rip of TWiT you fucking morons.
AliaNaqvi786 says:
I love my iPad 2. Just waiting for the iPad 3. Does anyone know when it’s coming out. I have heard it’s coming in march 2012. How much true is this, answers please